Horseback riding to Danta’s Waterfall

Last updated on August 24th, 2023


Hello everyone!!

Looking for different options of waterfalls Costa Rica? Maybe here is the option for you.

Many of our friends know that Ligia and I love to visit the mountains and get to know Costa Rica in a more rustic and ecological way (although that does not mean we will miss the opportunity to visit a luxury hotel if that is presented hahaha) but actually what represents us much more is rural tourism and eco-tourism.

Rodrigo & Ligia

Well, let’s get to the point! As many know I live in San Ramón of Alajuela, a quiet town with friendly people and of course many things to do.

Do you remember the article about the Trapiche in Bajo La Paz? Well, in this article I want to talk a little about this spot (Bajo La Paz), there is one person that I have know since 2010, his name is Ignacio Arias but everyone knows him as Nacho. He likes for everyone to call him by this nickname and the people know him this way.

Nacho and his family are landowners in the area; they have different farms used for tourism.

When I met Nacho for the first time, the first question that came to my mind was: How did he learn about conservation? He used to hunt wild animals about 10 years ago, as it was common practice by his father and family.

For years in his mind he had no idea how to promote conservation and neither protect animals. But this changed!

It was a slow process, but Nacho told me that the help of others has been important. Locals and foreign groups contacted him often and organizes tours to different parts of the area like hikes. Now he has become a local guide in the area who perfectly knows the trails and even nesting times of the quetzal (a spectacular bird which can be seen in the area).


One of my favorite activities was the ride to the Danta waterfall! This waterfall is located on private property, where you arrive after an 1 hour and a half of horseback riding. It usually leaves from Nacho’s. He has a great experience that allows one to quickly learn how to handle a horse. In an intensive class! Hahaha

The road to the waterfall is spectacular; trees with moss, birds of different colors and even the sounds are part of the route. It is noteworthy that the climate is highly variable but most of the time will be cloudy and a little cold. In summer (December to April) it is a little warmer but this does not mean the weather cannot change.

When we arrived at the farm, the horses rested and we walked for about 40 minutes to the Danta waterfall. This is a measure of approximately 40 meters.

What is a Danta? It is one of the largest mammals to be found in Costa Rica, it is also known by the name of Tapir.

Bathing in the waterfall is a very good choice but let me tell you that the water is a bit cold. 🙂

After sharing and enjoying nature; Nacho indicates when it’s time to return, you should walk back to the horses and then ride to the starting point. My personal experience was wonderful with a tour totaling four hours. I have done this tour on several occasions.


Catarata Danta

Group of people enjoying waterfalls Costa Rica


5 of my reasons for doing this tour are:

-Excellent travel and natural appeal.

-Very good service.

-Reasonable price and consistent service. ($30USD per person)

-Support local economy.

-Support rural tourism.

At the end of this tour you can visit the delicious Soda Dona Flory, which is next to Trapiche Hermanos Arias. Excellent regional food made in a firewood kitchen, just delicious. 🙂

How do you get to Bajo La Paz?

It’s very easy! First, you have to get to San Ramón of Alajuela. Then take the route to Piedades Norte which ultimately leads to Bajo La Paz. Below is a map:

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If you have any questions please write to [email protected]
Hope you like my article and do not forget to share it. Pura Vida!

Posted by Rodrigo

I am a wildlife and landscape photography lover and part-time blogger of Explore Tikizia; Husband to Ligia (a great wife) :) . Also a full time worker as support agent for a GDS. I love to travel to non-touristy places, hiking to difficult access areas and enjoy good cup of coffee.

Reader interactions

4 Replies to “Horseback riding to Danta’s Waterfall”

  1. Albert F. Sargent February 5, 2020 at 06:33

    I hope Nacho is still doing his horseback ride to La Danta Falls. We want to set something up with him for April 14, 15, or 16th.

    What is his phone number or email address?


    1. Hey, Albert. Nacho does not speak English, so the locals’ tours that he does, we do it with him for translate!

      If you want we can talk with details about what you would like to do!

  2. Hi there! Do you know if Nacho is still running this tour? It sounds great – would love to check it out.


    1. Hey Kate! Nacho still doing the birdwatching and hiking tour to the waterfall. We are not sure about the horseback riding but we will find out and send you an email! When are you planning to come? We will be happy to help! Pura vida!

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